
How Long Does Makeup Primer Last When Does It Expire

We know it'south a tough telephone call throwing away your favorite blush or lipstick, but abiding by makeup expiration dates is actually incredibly important. Why? Cosmetics can trap leaner, which means replacing them regularly is necessary to endeavor to avoid skin irritation, breakouts, eye infections, and styes. Not pretty, right? Co-ordinate to makeup artist Ashely Rebecca, "Skin irritations such as rashes, bumps, and burning sensations can occur when using expired products. If you use mascara or eyeliner that's past its expiration date, y'all can experience swelling, itchiness, or redness. It'south always best to see a dermatologist immediately if y'all experience whatsoever kind of reaction." (And information technology'south not simply your makeup formulas—check out what happened when nosotros tested bacteria levels on makeup brushes).

Just here'due south a caveat: Unlike the contents of your fridge, the use-by date on your makeup products relies on the beginning day yous utilise them, not the purchase date. "If y'all're ever stuck wondering, all products have a small-scale symbol that look similar a jar with a number/letter on the inside, ex: 12M. This means, ordinarily, that a product has a 12-calendar month shelf life upon opening," says glory makeup artist Britty Whitfield. "For makeup, I always follow what the fourth dimension frame is in the symbol. The worst possible thing would exist to utilize an old, oxidized foundation."

Then how exercise you know when to toss that foundation or mascara? Separation or changes in texture forth with foul smells are dead giveaways the product has gone bad.

While it's crucial to look out for those telltale signs, information technology's still helpful to go a general thought of how long each production is meant to concluding. Keep reading to learn the makeup expiration dates for every kind of cosmetic, from chroma to eyeliner.

Elnora Turner / Byrdie

Face up


Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation

Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation $44.00


Shelf Life: Half dozen months to one twelvemonth

Maintenance Tips:Keep your foundation germ-free for longer by keeping your fingers away from the neck of the bottle. Instead, gently baste the formula onto the dorsum of your hand earlier you apply. If you find your foundation starting to separate, information technology's definitely time to toss it.

"Products, where you dip your finger to apply on the pare, are more susceptible to bacterial contamination," says Margarita Lolis, Physician, of Schweiger Dermatology Group. "Lotions with a pump are generally safer and less likely to be contaminated. Products with less preservatives, such as those fabricated for sensitive, accept less preservatives and bacteria are more than likely to abound."

Liquid Highlight

High Beam Liquid Face Highlighter High Beam 0.33 oz/ 10 mL

Do good High Beam Liquid Highlighter $18.00


Shelf Life: 6 months to ane year

Maintenance Tips:While not equally long-lasting as their powder counterparts, the liquid highlighter tin can terminal up to 1 yr. Store in a cool, dry place and opt for a disposable applicator when applicable to maximize its shelf life.


Tarte Shape Tape Concealor

Tarte Cosmetics Shape Tape Concealer $29.00


Shelf Life: 6 months to 1 year

Maintenance Tips: Like to foundation, concealer can last up to a year. Go on the product out of direct sunlight, avoid touching the application with your fingers, and when you notice separation, information technology'southward time to toss.

Blush and Powder


MAC Cosmetics Pulverisation Blush $25.00


Shelf Life: Ii years

Maintenance Tips: The longest-lasting color cosmetics yous'll ever buy, powder-formula blushes last around ii total years. "Ideally, from personal experience, powders can exist extended for longer periods of time if you're actively and regularly cleaning your brushes. Otherwise, you lot're putting erstwhile makeup, germs, and pare cells into that powder product every fourth dimension when your tools are dingy," says Whitfield. Always, always keep your brushes clean!

Cream Chroma and Multiple Sticks

Clinique Chubby Stick Cheek Colour Balm

Clinique Chubby Stick Cheek Color Balm $26.00


Shelf Life: 12 to 18 months

Maintenance Tips:Toss foam blush and "multiple" sticks (as in, products yous can employ on your cheeks and lips) if y'all observe a change in texture.

E'er use clean hands when applying any production to help proceed the tubes and pots germ-free.


Lipstick, Liner, and Gloss

Nars Lipstick

Nars Lipstick $26.00


Shelf Life: One year

Maintenance Tips: It'southward time to toss your favorite lip products when you notice a change in their texture—whether that means they dry out out or they go goopy. Make your favorite ruby-red concluding longer by keeping it in a cool, dry identify (not in your hot car).


Brow Pencil and Kohl Eyeliner

Lancôme Le Crayon Khôl Smoky Eyeliner

Lancôme Le Crayon Khôl Smoky Eyeliner $26.00


Shelf Life: I year

Maintenance Tips: Pencils can last longer than most eye products since they're constantly existence sharpened. Keep your liners away from your steamy bath to extend their life.


Maybelline Volum' Express the Falsies Mascara

Maybelline Volum' Express the Falsies Mascara $8.00


Shelf Life:Three months

Maintenance Tips:Replacing your mascara regularly is crucial for fugitive middle infections. Switch out every 3 months (or sooner if y'all discover the formula getting clumpy or starting to olfactory property funny, signaling information technology's gone bad). And, of course, don't always share mascara, as information technology tin can cause cantankerous-contamination.

Liquid Eyeliner

Eyeko Skinny Liquid Eyeliner

Eyeko Line and Ascertain Skinny Liquid Eyeliner $17.00


Shelf Life:Three to iv months

Maintenance Tips: Merely like mascara, don't share your liquid eyeliner—germs are your biggest enemy with this blazon of beauty product.

The more moisture the product has—or the closer it comes to your eyes—the shorter its life span.

Middle Shadow

Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyeshadow Single

Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyeshadow Unmarried $12.00


Shelf Life: 3 to six months

Maintenance Tips: While powder shadows tin can last every bit long equally pulverisation blushes (about ii years), they should be replaced more ofttimes since they're used around your eyes.

Gel Eyeliner

Stila Cosmetics Smudge Pot $twenty.00


Shelf Life: Two months

Maintenance Tips:Unfortunately, a pot of gel eyeliner should merely be used for a few months since it hands traps bacteria.


Chanel No. 5 Eau de Parfum

Chanel No. 5 Eau de Parfum $108.00


Shelf Life: Iii to five years

Maintenance Tips: Fragrance is the longest-lasting production in your beauty routine—by far! Max out your perfume's shelf life by keeping your scents out of direct sunlight. (Some brands, similar Le Labo, even propose storing them in the fridge).

Nail Polish

JINsoon Nail Lacquer

JINsoon Boom Lacquer $eighteen.00


Shelf Life: One to two years

Maintenance Tips:Heat and straight sunlight will make your smoothen separate and go discolored faster, so store your lacquers upright in a cool, dry place. At that place are too tricks to assistance y'all extend the life of shine that has gone goopy.


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